新歌Breaking News中文翻譯
Breaking News
Everybody mocking the peace of Michael Jackson   每個人都想從Michael Jackson身上分一杯羹
They caught us stalking the moves of Michael Jackson  記者追蹤Michael Jackson的一舉一動 
Just when you thought he was done  但當你以為他已經完蛋的時候 
he comes to give it again  他又回來重振雄風
They put it around the world  他們全世界地傳播流言
cause they wanna write my obiturary  因為他們巴不得為我寫祭文 
(Chorus) No matter what you just wanna read it again  無論什麼流言,你都想反覆地讀
no matter what you just wanna feed it again  無論什麼蜚語,你都會反覆咀嚼
why is it strange that I would fall in love?  我談戀愛有什麼奇怪的?
who is that boogie man youre thinking of?  你們把我這個搞音樂的想成什麼人? 
how am I crazy cause im just in love  我談戀愛有什麼值得大驚小怪?
this is breaking news  這就是他們的驚天大新聞 
this is breaking news  這就是他們的驚天大新聞 
(Verse 2)
Everybody watching the news saw Michael Jackson  每個人一看電視都能看到Michael Jackson
they wanna see that I fall cause I'm Michael Jackson  他們盼望我倒楣,因為我是Michael Jackson
you read the worst to destroy like its a weapon  你寫那些文字來摧毀我,彷彿那就是殺人利器you turned your back on love and you cant get it again  你們與愛背道而馳,休想再得到愛



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